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Thursday, August 22, 2024


Our 30+ year old builder grade doors have desperately needed to be replaced for a while, and a few months ago we finally got that taken care of with some new garage doors!  

recessed panel white garage doors with black magnetic hardware and black lantern style exterior lights

We kept a classic traditional style, not doing anything too fancy and choosing a long recessed panel look.  We will likely paint them in the future when it's time to repaint the trim on the house, but for now the factory white finish is fine. We took the opportunity to do an inexpensive spruce up on that side of the house while we were at it and so I thought I'd share with you.  

We replaced the exterior lights flanking the doors as well as the one on the front porch with these.  They have a much cleaner look than what we had there before and we've been really happy with them.  

garage door decorative hardware and black lantern style exterior light

I was on the fence about adding any detail, but the doors were SO big and plain once they were installed that we ordered this set of magnetic "hinge" straps and carriage handles hardware. They add a little bit of interest and break up the doors a little.  They've been on for a while now and haven't budged a bit!  They are a great inexpensive, temporary option if your doors might need a bit of something too. 

Can you believe I didn't take any "before" photos?  What kind of blogger am I?  #aforgetfulone  I did find this pic on my camera roll where you can see one of the old doors and the old light.  

Love the freshened up look! 

Double Garage Doors with Magnetic Straps and Handles Hardware with Black exterior lights
Exterior Lights  ||  Garage Door Magnetic Hardware Set  ||  Similar Black Planter Here or Here

I've saved these in my Amazon Shop, it's a good place to check if you're looking for something I've shared in the past!

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  1. Where is the coffee table outside from? The blue one

    1. Hi! It was from an estate sale, I painted it blue. It's not really an outdoor table.

  2. You always make things look great. You were my incentive to redo. Love all your colors. They make me so happy . Thank you

  3. I had know idea they made magnetic straps and handles!!


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