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Wednesday, February 20, 2019


You all might know that I periodically decorate tables for large events at our church.  I always try to share those with you since I know that some of you do the same for various activities.  And, even searching Pinterest, it can be tricky to find simple centerpiece ideas that aren't too extravagant or expensive when you're working on a lot of tables.

A few times throughout this year, I'll be decorating for a luncheon for all board members of our state's various entities of our Baptist General Convention.  I'm responsible for a large centerpiece on the serving line, and about 15 regular table centerpieces.  My goal was to create a simple yet classy setting, but still on a budget!

As I considered ideas I looked around at all of the blue and white I have scattered around the house and remembered images I love like this one, and inspiration struck!  I counted and determined I had enough things to spread around all of the tables.   I don't really set things up before I get to the venue to decorate, I just take what I have and wing arrangements when I get there.  Since I wanted to make sure I had enough, I put in some of my milk glass and white pieces to fill in if needed, but I wanted the main focus to be the blue and white pieces.

I wanted to add some greenery but try to consider things that don't involve fresh flowers since buying enough to look substantial can get expensive.  I love to hunt outdoors for whatever I might be able to use, but at the first of February there are not a lot of green options to clip!  I knew that magnolia leaves would be a perfect mix, and an added bonus is that they aren't fussy at all!  They can be cut early and really don't even need water to stay looking nice.  I was able to clip a few branches from a sweet neighbor a few days before the event, and they just sat in the back of my car until I was ready to trim and arrange them for the tables.  I had a few blue and white pots that already had a green plant in them, so I used those as well.

Here was my car loaded up to go, the front was packed too!  (I used some tubs and large baskets to transport a lot of the smaller things, but the bigger ginger jars and pots I just hand carried in.)

Bowls of oranges rounded out the centerpieces.  I watched the grocery ads for a few weeks before the event for a good sale (they store well), and found a steal on 3 pound bags so I loaded up.  That ended up being the only thing I really had to spend money on.

My stash all laid out and ready to pick from...

I chose to keep the linens simple and just used black cloth tablecloths and napkins.  My sweet Mom volunteered to help and sat and folded almost 150 napkins for me.  She's an expert at the pyramid fold now! 

The caterers came in after I left and added dishes, drinks, salads and desserts, so the tables looked much more full when finished.  Wish I had a photo of everything all together!

In a separate room there's a serving line made up of two long tables with a round in the middle for a centerpiece.  I saved some of my larger pieces for that table and just played with it until it looked nice from every side.

I had a few extra pieces left so we also added a bit to the table where a coffee bar would be set up.

 If you'd like to something similar but don't hoard blue and white pieces like I do, you could get a similar look with all white pieces, or brass... I think the key is to just keep the pieces fairly consistent on all of the tables.  Ask friends who might have collections if you can borrow some things, too!  I rounded up some of my milk glass collector friends for these tables and we had plenty when we put our collections together.

I'm so happy with how everything turned out, and everyone was very kind with their comments.  Now... to come up with another great idea for the next luncheon in May!  Hmmmmm.....

For more event decorating ideas that I've shared, click here.

I'm often asked where I get all of my blue and white pieces.  A good number of them are finds from Ross, but that's a "right time, right place" kind of deal.  Several are from Homegoods and I've found a few on FB Marketplace or thrifting.  Here are several that are easy to order online if you'd like to start building your collection. (Affiliate links used)

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  1. Thesee are all beautiful. What a fabulous collection

    1. Thanks Marty! I don't think I realized what I had until I saw everything together...eek! :)

  2. Not what you bring to a church setting.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean... I would totally use this for a church event!

  3. How pretty! Blue and white looks so great with greenery!

  4. Stunning! So much better than the same old stuff you see...too often! Lol I love it! Great combination of colors and textures. Truly unique... as is your style!

    1. Thank you so much, I was hoping for something a little different. Now to come up with an idea for the next one! ;)

  5. Love it! I have a ton of blue and white. I think I would be surprised by how much I have as well if I put it all together. You could do so many different combinations with greenery and fruit with this,

  6. This was such a great idea. I love the pop of color with the greenery and oranges.

  7. Love your blue and white collection. Whenever some shows up in a thrift shop, I buy it. After decorating the top of my kitchen cabinets and later taking it down, I dropped one of my favorite pieces-a ruffle edge basket and chipped it. Haven't seen another one like it. We will have to sell our hoard, I mean collection, to each other when the time comes !


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