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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Paint Your Walls-Digitally & Photo Editing News

While thumbing through a magazine the other day, I saw an ad for the Sherwin-Williams Color Visualizer and knew the perfect way that I wanted to try it out.  Maybe I'm the last person to have ever tried it, but this was new to me.

We have a room designated for an office in our house.  It's a nice size and it has evolved into not only an office, but a game room, play room, and music room.  After moving into this house almost 5 years ago, I painted the walls red, put in the leopard carpet, and tried to make it a little funky and fun.  I still love red and it has served us well, but it's time to freshen up the room a bit.

I went to the website and found  the Color Visualizer, and in just a little time was learning how to use the program.  I played around just enough to get this one picture for now, but I can see this being a very useful tool.  It really helps to have a strong visual of what your room might look like painted in the new colors that you are thinking of.


And after:

Here's what happened the morning after I played around with the Color Visualizer:

I'm wanting to experiment with a dark ceiling, and this gave me a great idea of what the result might be.  The stained bookcases are staying in this room, so I'm going really light with the walls.  I couldn't quite get the color as light as I wanted-a creamy white-but I still got a good idea of what the look might be.  This room was not even on my re-decorating radar, but it jumped to the head of the line for a minor re-do!

If you're considering a new paint job but are unsure of how the results might look, this is a great tool to play around with.  I'm sure you could even upload a photo of a piece of furniture and try out new colors on it as well.  Have fun!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

A while back you all shared your thoughts on photo editing options since Picnik is shutting down.  I'm happy to report that a new site is up and running...PicMonkey.

I've just played around on it a bit and it's VERY similar to Picnik.  I haven't been able to register on in yet but I think they will continue to add more features as time goes on, and it looks very promising and user friendly.  Whew!  I was getting nervous about what I was going to use when Picnik went away.

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  1. Ohhhhh I'm loving the dark ceiling!!!

  2. Ha! Love that it wasn't even on the 'project radar!' That blue is amazing with the white walls, hope this project has moved to #1 on the list...anxious to see it!

  3. Jennifer I can't wait to see your ceiling!! What a dramatic project! I have to try this Color Visualizer tool - that sounds like fun.

  4. Hi Jennifer,
    I'm a new reader...and love the style of your home! Would you mind sharing the main wall color you have throughout your family and dining area? Its that warm, cocoa brown. So pretty! We just moved...and I have been searching and searching for the right colors....


  5. Thanks for the link to Pic Monkey! I've been having sooo much fun!

  6. That color visualizer is awesome! Never heard of it. I'm a big fan of painted ceilings. I think it will look stunning!


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